If you are in need of the services of a Tallahassee criminal defense lawyer, there are a number of different criteria to ask yourself prior to going forward with any attorney in general. First of all, make sure that you are aware of the charges in question, and that you understand them fairly well. Secondly, make sure that your narrative of events surrounding the charges against you is consistent with the facts in evidence. Thirdly, go ahead and determine how much you can afford to pay any Tallahassee criminal defense lawyer for their services.
Once you have the aforementioned criteria in mind, go ahead and search the web for reviews of any Tallahassee criminal defense lawyer in general. Read through what others in a similar situation have had to say about the services of any Tallahassee criminal defense lawyer that they have retained in the past, and create a list of the most highly praised such lawyers that you see during your research. Once you have a list of each viable Tallahassee criminal defense lawyer that you have found so far, go ahead and contact each of the offices in question for more information.
Ask each Tallahassee criminal defense lawyer that you are considering what they might charge for their services, and if they are available to take your case. Compile a list of the fees and availability schedules of each Tallahassee criminal defense lawyer you have in mind thus far, and then retain the services of the most affordable such attorney that you feel comfortable with. Make sure that you tell your Tallahassee criminal defense lawyer everything you know about the case, and give them a solid narrative to go by before they work on your behalf. With any luck, your Tallahassee criminal defense lawyer of choice should prove to be excellent!