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Marijuana addicts

Did you know that 11.5 percent of Americans (more than 25 million) have smoked marijuana in the last year? Interestingly, in Ancient China cannabis seeds were used as a food source as early as 6000 B.C., and cannabis was used as a medicinal drug as in 2737 B.C. by Chinese emperor Shen Nung, to treat gout and rheumatism. Today, although marijuana is still classified as a controlled substance under federal law, 13 U.S. states currently allow medical marijuana use. US taxpayers pay an estimated $10 billion annually on marijuana prohibition costs, to arrest more than 853,000 individuals per year.

While marijuana does have medicinal benefits, it is important to note that marijuana abuse is possible and a personal can develop a marijuana addiction, also known as a cannabis addiction. It can be difficult for marijuana addicts to quit on their own. Approximately half of all people who try to quit smoking marijuana report marijuana withdrawal symptoms. These marijuana withdrawal symptoms including mood swings, irritability or anxiety. Others report aggression, nervousness, restlessness and a loss of concentration as marijuana withdrawal symptoms. Therefore, if you are facing a problem with marijuana abuse, it is important that you seek marijuana addiction treatment through a marijuana addiction program.

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