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Houston criminal defense attorneys

If you are facing criminal charges, you need to be sure that your legal rights are not being violated. A defense attorney houston residents work with may be able to provide you with the sort of protection that you will need throughout your case, from the beginning to the trial, and what happens afterward. A DUI, or driving while under the influence, and a DWI, or driving while intoxicated, can both lead to serious consequences. The lowest penalty by law for a DUI in Texas is 72 hours of jail time, and the fines can be as much as $500. It may not sound like much, but hiring a defense attorney Houston has available may be worth it for many reasons.

A defense attorney Houston residents work with may be able to provide you with the assistance that you will need as soon as you are charged. By working with a criminal defense attorney houston residents may be able to get advice on how they should interact with law enforcement, what questions they are and are not obligated to answer, and how they may be able to fight back against their DUI charges, as well as other criminal charges that they may be facing. The best Houston criminal defense attorney can tell you that a felony, which in Texas means prison time of five years or longer, is something that you can avoid if you act quickly and make the right moves. He or she may be able to take you on as a defendant, and provide you with great legal advice to see you through your time of crisis. Criminal attorneys in Houston are well versed with the Texas legal system, and may be able to provide you with legal help that is built on the back of years, and sometimes decades, of experience. A defense attorney Houston residents work with may be able to start work right away, but you need to call him or her as soon as possible.

You may be sentenced to probation after a crime, on top of jail time. If you violate probation, you could face some severe penalties. Work with a defense attorney Houston has available and you may be able to take that burden off of your shoulders and avoid further imprisonment. Whether you need Houston criminal defense attorneys or a Houston DWI attorney specifically, you have some strong options.

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