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The wedge and the sledgehammer is the most widely used and popular methods of splitting wood. This is covered in the tutorial video “How to split wood Art of Manliness”. This method can be used for even unseasoned or seasoned logs however it is best for seasoned logs because they are less likely to split unevenly.

You will need to choose one that is close to the log’s length. It is possible to use a smaller one if you’re working on a large, round piece of wood However, generally, you should follow the rule above.

There is a possibility that you can utilize a wedge, which seems to work with one of the wood pieces prior to attempting using it on a larger log. The process of splitting wood can be difficult However, it’s simpler if you use the correct and latest techniques, such as the use of a log splitter for commercial use. Splitting wood has been a part of our lives for a long time.

Splitting wood can be used to create kindling, a design element or border within your yard. Split logs using a wedge or a shredder. This can be used to create small pieces suitable that can be used to make a fire in a woodstove or fire place. a4ktwa3ee5.

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