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ntify different fire departments.

Each Custom Patch tells an Story
With over twenty years experience in the field of custom patches one may think that we’ve discovered everything. The truth is, there are still custom patch design ideas that have us awed to this day.

This is the beauty and attractiveness of custom-made items such as embroidered patches. The patches are able to be used for a celebration of an individual an organisation or team. In the case of custom patches for firefighters, we’ve experienced personally how the design and layout of each patch will lift the whole station, and benefit the entire team in several important ways.

It’s about creating trust, sharing the same identity as the team and fostering camaraderie. Patches for firefighters, similar to those of the military, are a symbol of honour and traditions. To earn the right to wear the patch of your fire department to your uniform is not an easy thing to do, but it’s merited.

In the case of firefighters or cadets new to the team the fire department patch is an excellent way of introducing new members to the group and making them feel in the community. The designs unite the group and makes new members feel they are apart of the group as soon they join. fw5bg59a2h.

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