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Sales career

In theory the art of the sale can move virtually any product. They say a good salesman could sell a snow blower in the Sahara. So what do these salesmen’s, salesmen look like before they get the training and time hardened experience of a veteran sales professional?

Knowing what qualities to look for when hiring for your sales and recruiting jobs can go a long way in ensuring your sales company’s future success. This fact becomes even more relevant when consideration is given to statistics, which show the cost of a mistake in sales hiring can be up to ten times the salary of that sales associate. Here are some tips on how to find the sales professionals you need to move your business forward.

A good sales professional may not already be in sales. Selling is as much an art as it is a science. Since the science is the easier of the two to learn, much of what recruiters look for in potential sales professionals is natural ability. If a candidate seems to show a proclivity for selling, researching, and communicating, then they may be a great new addition to your sales team regardless of sales experience. Unfortunately, knowing this fact is only half the battle.

A sales team needs to be filled out by professionals who are patient, tenacious, and understanding. Fewer than 20% of leads are ever followed up on. To get the most of your team, independent players need to willing to commit to the sale. They should be willing and excited to research new clients, able to understand a new client’s needs, and want to follow up with their latest leads. nearly four out of every five closing deals are made after the fourth followup.

Knowing whether or not a candidate has what it takes to become a successful salesperson and give you a return on your investment can be difficult. Often it is easiest to recruit for the top down. In order to do this most effectively hire sales management headhunters before you begin your sales hiring process. Sales recruitment firms can lend sale management headhunters, and sales recruiters, to act as an extended human resources staff. This extended HR staff can help you find the potential your sales team, needs and the skilled managers it needs to be lead by.

Sales management headhunters can help you build your sales team from the top down. A top down approach can give your sales team the connections it necessary to success and growth. Often, well seasoned sales people have a list of loyal clients that would follow them anywhere. Recruiting good sales management can me strengthening your business’s consumer base considerably.

Using sales management headhunters can keep the turnover rate for your sales team below the average 40%. This can get your team members through the learning curve and pulling in the bigger game that your business needs to grow. More on this topic.

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