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Custom website designers

When people use the old expression, “Never judge a book by its cover,” they probably are not referring to the business world. Because when it comes to finding a business for any sort of product or service, people absolutely do judge “books” by their “covers.” And this is okay, because businesses are built to gain immediate exposure and make strong first impressions on anyone that could be a potential customer. Today, businesses must have an impressive online presence in order to succeed. Online advertising tips offered by experts often recommend hiring a professional website designer to develop a custom website design that grabs and maintains the attention of visitors. Businesses in need of good website design tips and services can hire an interactive advertising agency in Rochester, New York that offers assistance from custom website designers.

Advertising has existed in many forms throughout history. In 1742, the very first American magazine advertisement appeared in General Magazine, which was a magazine owned by Benjamin Franklin. Some researchers today believe that advertising is the most powerful form of art in the art. U.S. pharmaceutical companies may very well be of this belief, as a York University study revealed that they spend twice as much money on advertising as they do on research.

Having a strong website design is a very effective form of online advertising. When people come across a business online, the website is the first impression they have of that business. To ensure that their website is unique, impactful, and attention grabbing, businesses can hire an interactive advertising agency in Rochester, New York. Read more about this topic at this link.

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